Imaja: Texplore
A modern text editor for Mac OS 9 - PowerPC and 68K, crafted with 2020 intelligence.
Introduction ... Features ... Requirements ... Order ... Download
Texplore is a text editor built for Mac OS 9 - PowerPC and 68K. It features a simple macro system and a set of HTML macros for Web page editing. It also makes reading text documents on your screen easier with support for Dark Mode and Light Mode display styles, smooth auto-scrolling, window tiling and stacking and other modern features. You can download the Texplore demo now from the Imaja Demo and Sample Library.

Dark mode text productivity app on Mac OS 9!

Modern clean window appearance on Mac OS 9!

Modern view options on Mac OS 9!

Texplore includes a rich, powerful set of keyboard short cuts.

Quickly rearrange windows with Tile Windows, Stack Windows, and Stack Windows Behind Front.

Tile Windows is great for an overview of multiple documents.

User customizable macros for HTML coding and keyword colorization.

Light gray appearance.

Distraction free full screen text editing for focused productivity or study.
Four basic appearances: Dark, Dark Gray, Light, and Light Gray:
Modernize your Mac OS 9 machine with Texplore, built with new ideas and decades of wisdom about user interface interactivity and visual design, and this makes working with the older Mac OS 9 more productive and enjoyable.
You can download Texplore now from the Imaja Demo and Sample Library.
Modernized text editing and navigation with rich support for keyboard shortcuts with Command, Shift, Option and Control keys.
Modern scrolling technology with Smooth Scrolling for reading, ease-in ease-out smooth scrolling for paging, mouse gesture drag scrolling with momentum.
Dark and Light display appearances for better usability in different lighting conditions.
Distraction free full screen mode for focused productivity in reading and editing.
Show or Hide the main menu bar for even more distraction free viewing.
Rearrange document windows with Tile Windows, Stack Windows and Stack Windows Behind Front for quickly optimizing the workspace.
Navigate between documents with Previous and Next Window commands, or numbered keyboard shortcuts.
Alternate Outline and HTML views of a text document.
Minimal font menu for fast startup and ease of use, with an option for full font menu.
Change font size quickly with keyboard shortcuts, or Size menu.
Find, Find Again, Find Backwards, Find Selection, and Find and Replace commands.
Easily programmable macros for editing and keyword colorization.
Macros for inserting HTML markup code for Web page editing.
Macros for syntax coloring to hilite strings and language keywords or tags.
Drag and drop support for selected text to and from other applications or within Texplore.
Make Paragraph command to reconnect broken paragraphs from e-mail messages or other sources.
Undo (for typing, Cut, Paste, Clear, Replace, and Macro commands).
Send to Browser command to open the top document in Netscape Navigator web browser during web page development.
HTML editing is made easy with syntax coloring; all HTML tags can be colored. Another macro will strip all tags from the HTML file, leaving only the text. There's even a macro to help pick colors for backgrounds, text, and links.
The Outline window is alternate way to view a text document and includes collapsible paragraphs and smooth auto-scrolling. It automatically sets the short title lines in bold text. The Outline window is useful for scanning the main sections of a prose document.
Texplore is compatible with Mac OS 9, Mac OS 9 Classic under Mac OS X, Mac OS 8. Texplore requires a PowerPC-based or 68K-based Mac. Texplore is not yet compatible with Intel-based Macs.
You can download Texplore now from the Imaja Demo and Sample Library.
Texplore is a commercial product from Imaja, and costs $20 (US).
Order online now!
Current Version: 2.0 |
Texplore (E-mail delivery): $20.00 |
Texplore (CD-ROM delivery): $20.00 |
To order by mail, send a check or money order to:
1244 Hearst Ave. #7
Berkeley, CA 94702 USA
Call for site license pricing.
Updates will automatically be available on Imaja's Internet Web site. There is no demonstration version. The Texplore version you download is the full version.
Texplore is Copyright © 1995-2024 Greg Jalbert, and may not be sold by third-parties or included in products that are sold by third-parties. Texplore may not be modified in any way, and all associated files, such as the Texplore Documentation and TexploreMacros files are copyright.
Texplore is a trademark of Imaja. Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computer Inc.
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