CalReader: Calendar Readability, Event Log Export, Time Calculations
for iPad, iPhone, iPod touch

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Filter calendar events by date range, calendars, and search text.

Calculate total hours, number of events, a billing amount using rate per hour, for the filtered event listing. Use CalReader for business productivity.

Customize font, size, calendar color style, line limit and other options. Choose to display all event text or truncate for an abbreviated view.

Copy the event listing text, with or without the calculations, and paste into an e-mail, invoice, or time log.

E-mail (export) event listings with calculations as TSV (tab-separated values), CSV (comma-separated values) or TEXT file attachments.

Use Siri Shortcuts and Home Screen Quick Actions to quickly perform common actions in CalReader.

Supports display and editing of iOS / macOS calendars, and web-based calendars such as Google, Yahoo!, or other CalDAV calendars.

Compatible with iOS 8 through iOS 11, and later. Universal app built for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. Hi-resolution Retina displays supported.

The new Dark Mode has several variations. Here's one of several display styles using calendar colors.

CalReader: Calendar Readability, Event Log Export, Time Calculations for iPad, iPhone, iPod touch.

CalReader features highly readable, flexible calendar views in various color styles. The right edge colors indicate recent past (blue) and upcoming (orange) events.

Choose from various Display formats, including font and size, calendar color styles, number of lines displayed per event, index navigation, and condensed time format.

Choose from many fonts and customize the size for readability. Use pinch and squeeze touch gestures to quickly resize the text in the event listing.

Choose from several Color Styles for your favorite look. Events are color coded by calendar. The new Dark Mode adds a dark variation of each color style.

The Calculations view displays total hours, event count, amount for a given rate, average, minimum and maximum duration, based on the current Filter settings.

The Actions view provides navigation, copy and paste, e-mail event listings with calculations as TEXT, TSV (tab-separated values) or CSV (comma-separated values) files. Generate time logs and billing amounts for invoices.

Use the Filter to set a date range, set of calendars and optional search text. Tap Previous, This, or Next to set a week or month date range. Use the Filter for time log exports and time calculations for billing and invoicing.

CalReader supports the iOS / macOS calendars and web-based CalDAV calendars including Google and Yahoo. Filter the event listing by selecting a set of calendars.

CalReader includes a full help manual and quick links to related products from Imaja: Perspectiva and TaskInsight and more.

CalReader Reviews:

Great App ★★★★★
by cooooooolzzz

This is a really handy app for viewing, exporting your calendar, and especially communicating dates to third parties. Great for anyone who wants to share their dates with others; also works in an Excel-ready format. Customer service is top. The makers responded right away to questions and even took a suggestion into the update.

Works quite well ★★★★
by Lidia Monroe - Version 2.1.1

This is the only Calendar logger I have found on the App Store. The information it gives is not very pretty, but it does the job and the info can always be transferred to Word and made to look more organized. I write notes in all my appointments on my calendar - notes on meetings, phone conversations, lunches, etc - that way I have a log of everything. With this program I can print all that out and keep a weekly and monthly log of everything I've done, notes I've taken, conversations I've had. It's very useful. I wish it looked better, but it works well even on the latest iOS.

Class App. (v1.1) ★ ★ ★ ★
by MicReviser

...Is the ultimate application to search the calendar from the standard iPod...

CalReader is a trademark of Imaja. Copyright © 2010-2025 Imaja. All Rights Reserved. iCal, iOS, iPad, iPad mini, iPhone and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Computer.

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