
TelepaText gets new features for text-to-speech and Siri Shortcuts on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

Imaja has released a significant update to it’s TelepaText app, providing hands-free and eyes-free text-to-speech for text documents. The extensive Siri Shortcuts let one control text-to-speech and navigate the documents stored in TelepaText’s iCloud and local documents collections. This is a great new feature for AirPods fans, increasing the range of mobility while using the app to listen to one’s documents.

The Siri Shortcuts also improve the experience when using the built-in speakers on an iPhone or iPad. The pause between text-to-speech of paragraphs and sentences can be configured to be long enough the user to express a new "Hey Siri" shortcut for the app.

Text-to-speech, in our view, is one of the great new technologies of our day. It is an extension of reading text, but in the audio realm, while our eyes and bodies can multi-task on other projects, or simply rest and listen. With the highly customizable behavior of the text-to-speech in TelepaText, the experience can be fine tuned to the listener’s situation.

Adding Siri Shortcuts moves TelepaText further into the audio-realm by providing a rich collection of shortcuts to allow hands-free and eyes-free control of TelepaText. This makes listening to and navigating your text document library even easier.

Given the urgency and complexity of the global COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, and other important issues, many of us have grown quite interested in acquiring knowledge in various fields: biology, chemistry, epidemiology, science, food, agriculture, manufacturing, public education and health, ecology, politics, and much more! This information is available from Wikipedia (one of our favorites!), and a huge variety of news, medicine, academic, science and other web sites.

The opportunity to learn via text-to-speech has inspired our focus on improving the text-to-speech for scientific and other educational text, and now the text-to-speech pronounces things like common units and measurements and other abbreviations properly. We’ve been using TelepaText to listen to thousands of articles from the topics mentioned and are constantly working on text-to-speech improvements.

We’ve also devised pronunciation improvements for many terms and abbreviations used in typical news reporting, which makes for better comprehension of the text. These improvements are being regularly made in TelepaText as well as in the Speak News app, specially designed for reading RSS news feeds and other types of web pages. (More info: Speak News)

TelepaText includes many special options for customizing the text-to-speech behavior. For instance, the pause between sentences and paragraphs can be customized, and this can greatly improve the listenability and comprehension for your given situation.

While the Siri Shortcuts features are not supported on macOS, there is a rich set of similar voice controls in the TelepaText Speech Commands module, an In-App Purchase, available on both macOS and iPhone/iPad/iPod touch. (More info: Speech Commands)

The general text-to-speech improvements are available in both the iPhone / iPad / iPod touch and macOS. The iCloud document syncing is great for working with different devices, and the apps can also create and access documents local to the device.

The feeling we get from listening to a lot of types of articles is exhilarating, as if a new and flexible system of learning has opened up. It is a customizable text-to-speech channel for listening to your text document library. Knowledge is useful, and deep knowledge acquisition takes time. TelepaText text-to-speech opens up new ways to develop your knowledge.

More information

How to use Siri Shortcuts for TelepaText on the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

— The author, Greg Jalbert, founder of Imaja, has been developing software for Apple Macintosh computers since 1985, including music, education, animation, productivity, news and business apps for macOS, iPhone and iPad. This article was written in the TelepaText app with dictation and typing on an iPhone and macOS MacBook Pro, reviewed with text-to-speech in TelepaText, converted to HTML for publishing on this web page with the Markdown feature in TelepaText on macOS. The journey continues...


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TelepaText #text #editor app for #iPhone, #iPad and #macOS + #iCloud + #speech

TelepaText gets new features for text-to-speech and Siri Shortcuts on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.


TelepaText, text, editor, app, speech, text-to-speech, commands, voice, control, web, search, iCloud, text-to-speech, Siri, Shortcuts, iTunes, File Sharing, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, iOS, macOS


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