Using text-to-speech and speech commands in the TelepaText text editing app.
I use an app called TelepaText because it has a lot of useful actions and it supports speech commands, dictation, text-to-speech, and speech feedback. It also has a bunch of useful speech commands that make it easy to search a variety of different web sites.
Many times throughout the day I'm busy working in such a way that my mind is free to work on ideas. So I use text-to-speech a lot to listen to articles, notes and documentation so that I can move forward on various projects. I also use text-to-speech to help evaluate writing projects for clarity.
The Speech Commands in TelepaText provide even more useful ways to work in the text editing environment and to perform research.
For example I can do a basic web search by saying:
Web search rain forest ecosystem
Or I can do a Wikipedia look up by saying:
Wikipedia search glaciers
If I say Show Commands, the app will display the speech commands reference view.
The speech commands system uses the dictation system built into the iPhone and on macOS.
It knows a little bit about the folder of files you're currently working it. For instance, you can say:
Say documents
And the app will say the names of the documents in the current folder.
There are commands for editing and manipulating text, changing the display attributes, and changing the behavior of various actions in the app. For example, say:
Make text larger
Make text normal
I used TelepaText and speech commands to write and edit this article.
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