Protecting nature from special interests:
The Berkeley Memorial Oak Grove tree-sit protest is one scene in a world of transformation.
The entire corrupt exploitative system of money, power, ego and self-interest is laid bare by the Berkeley Memorial Oak Grove tree-sit protest against the alignment of many other destructive profit-oriented industries including the sports industry, the construction industry, the automobile industry, the security industry, the chain link fence industry, the diesel generator and floodlight industries. All of these industries are shamefully participating in the destruction of more nature, more living beings, to the personal benefit of themselves as industries and as individuals involved in these kinds of practices. So what we end up with is a ubiquitous and oppressive urban landscape, the results of decades of mindless obsession with certain object fetishes in our lifestyles, determined largely by the big ticket industries, cars, entertainment, ego manipulation industries. This pyramid scheme is ruining our lives. Steering wheel slavery is ubiquitous. Air and noise pollution is ubiquitous. The land area used by the auto and sports industries relative to land area for growing healthy organic food for our community is indicative of the disproportionate values. Our urban designers and businesses profiting from construction and maintenance of this design have deeply skewed our quality of life. The healthy ecological city seems like a distant dream, when so many people are still bound by the patterns encouraged by shamefully skewed special interests such as the oil industry, the car industry, the entertainment industry, the food preparation, packaging, and distribution industries. The real estate industry and municipal planners that have systematically destroyed arable land with parking for private automobiles that must drive distances to centralized imported food distribution centers.
Put yourself in each other's shoes. Throughout the entire cast of characters. The trees. The people from all walks of life. The other creatures that live among trees. The other plants. Fungi. Look at the delusions of success and realities of pollution and low quality of life in modern industrialized humans.
Because corporate media has artificially inflated our egos, we are stuck driving around in circles, looking for food and entertainment, looking for parking spaces, filling the tank, holding on to a 'steering wheel'. Is a steering wheel really freedom? Is a football really freedom? Or are these things as mesmerizing as a baby's brightly-colored plastic toy, one who doesn't see the intention of the corporate lifestyle makers.
Grow food. Ego inflation is ultimately a form of slavery. Clear the crumbling concrete artifacts of egos of past years. Dismantle your corporate mentalities that mislead you into destructive competition.
Many people are participating in this self-destructive system because they simply follow their own role, prescribed by the system through their entire life. Others will see their way into other perspectives and realize a new way to see and communicate.
Competitive sports and capitalism's profit motive both act hand in hand to further the destruction of quality of life and nature. The motive is not health or beauty at the system level, the environmental level, and so that level we all experience further degradation in our lifestyle and our filtering out the pollution has to increase. We're wasting resources and quality of life at the altar of ego.
The oak grove was a nice place to play music and enjoy trees with other people, except for the noise and air pollution of the stream of traffic burning by. The special interests only want to increase the traffic because it's a way of getting more people to spend more money. The deep pockets of the criminal finance system that let's the almighty millions of dollars flow to the right people at the right time to get more people enslaved to the transportation/construction/entertainment businesses.
The corporate media, the university, including 'university' spokespeople, and other pyramid scheme coalitions of profit-motivated organizations, often saturate the media with minor scatological accusations to avoid the bigger issues of corporate special interest exploitation and destruction of Berkeley natural habitat.
Many issues still to be resolved. Many people still wallowing in their corporate-defined roles, like sheep.
Web links:
Hot Topics:
Post Carbon Institute: http://postcarbon.org/
- The mission of Post Carbon Institute is to assist communities in the
effort to Relocalize and adapt to an energy constrained world.
Energy Bulletin: Peak Oil: global implications: http://energybulletin.net/
Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas (ASPO): http://www.peakoil.net/
Understand the biased nature of advertising-based news web sites.
Government spending, military waste:
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Wikipedia : a VERY popular global community encyclopedia
Wikipedia is so popular because it has no advertising. There is a lack of good information on many mainstream advertising-based news, business and government web sites.
Impeachment for Government Crimes:
Supporting Documents for H Res 333 to Impeach Cheney
Congressman Wexler: Call for Cheney Impeachment Hearings
The charges are too serious to ignore. There is credible evidence that the Vice President abused the power of his office, and not only brought us into an unneccesary war but violated the civil liberties and privacy of American citizens. It is the constitutional duty of Congress to hold impeachment hearings.
Congressman Jim McDermott: The Vice President Should Resign or Face Impeachment
Impeach Cheney Now!