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essential task management with table and timeline views, priorities, labels, colors, styles...

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Using TaskInsight with AppleScript

AppleScript can be used to change properties of TaskInsight documents, such as various Document Settings, task properties and task views. Tasks can be created and modified with AppleScript. Sample AppleScript scripts for TaskInsight can be downloaded from the Imaja TaskInsight web site.

To see the AppleScript dictionary describing TaskInsight's objects and properties, open TaskInsight with the AppleScript Editor application. One way to do this is to drag and drop the TaskInsight application icon to the AppleScript Editor application icon in the Finder or the Dock. TaskInsight is normally installed into your Applications directory. Another way to open the dictionary with Open Dictionary in the File menu in the AppleScript Editor application.

A number of demonstration and utility AppleScript scripts can be downloaded here:

Download AppleScript-Scripts-for-TaskInsight.zip > (updated 2015-08-07)

There are two main folders:

AppleScripts Scripts for TaskInsight - Source code of the scripts, grouped by type.
AppleScript Applications for TaskInsight - Ready-to-run AppleScript applications.

The directory of scripts is grouped by type of functionality:

Change Display Style

Choose and set List view intercell spacing.scpt
Decrease List view padding.scpt
Increase List view padding.scpt
List View Variable Row Height.scpt
Set List view intercell spacing 0,0.scpt
Set List view intercell spacing 0,2.scpt
Set List view intercell spacing 0,4.scpt
Set List view intercell spacing 0,6.scpt
Set List view intercell spacing 1,1.scpt
Set priority colors to gradient for List view
Set priority colors to gradient for Timeline view
Set timeline grid colors.scpt
Timeline Grid Line Opacity.scpt
view tasks as list.scpt
view tasks as timeline.scpt

Change Task Properties

Choose and set priority 1 color.scpt
For Tasks with Priority 2-5 Shift Time by 7 days.scpt
Make some tasks-show Timeline.scpt
Mark selected tasks as done.scpt
Reschedule Tasks Sequentially From Earliest Task.scpt
Reschedule Tasks Sequentially From First Task.scpt
Set document properties.scpt

Filter Tasks

Set searchText to "feature".scpt
Show All Tasks.scpt
Show Bug Tasks.scpt
Show completed tasks.scpt
Show Feature Tasks
Show priority one.scpt
Show Tasks To Do.scpt
Show uncompleted tasks.scpt

Log Tasks

Log all tasks
Log tasks including "feature".scpt

Select Tasks

Select first item
Select first task.scpt
select last task.scpt
select tasks that contain text.scpt

Sort Tasks

Sort by label.scpt
Sort by priority.scpt
Sort by start date
Sort by status.scpt

Example AppleScripts

Sample AppleScript

The following AppleScript sets various properties of the frontmost TaskInsight document.

tell application "TaskInsight"
with timeout of 60 * 60 seconds
tell document 1
set grid line width to 1
set show dates in timeline to true
set show today line to true
set show grid lines to true
set list view row padding to 1
set timeline left margin to 250
set timeline right margin to 250
set timeline vertical spacing to 10
set intercell horizontal spacing to 5
set intercell vertical spacing to 5
end tell
end timeout
end tell

Sample AppleScript:
Create a TaskInsight Document and Add Events

The following AppleScript creates a new untitled document and adds some events and sets their properties. Then it switches to the Timeline view, makes the text larger zooms in on the time scale.

tell application "TaskInsight"
with timeout of 60 * 60 seconds
set theDoc to make new document
tell document 1
set theTask to make new task at end
set task text of theTask to "Add basic support for AppleScript"
set start date of theTask to date "Wednesday, June 15, 2011 9:00:00 AM"
set due date of theTask to date "Wednesday, June 22, 2011 5:00:00 PM"
set label of theTask to "scripting"
set priority of theTask to 1

set theTask to make new task at end
set task text of theTask to "Write sample AppleScript scripts"
set start date of theTask to date "Wednesday, June 22, 2011 9:00:00 AM"
set due date of theTask to date "Saturday, June 25, 2011 5:00:00 PM"
set label of theTask to "scripting"
set priority of theTask to 2

set theTask to make new task at end
set task text of theTask to "Add script help and sample script library"
set start date of theTask to date "Sunday, June 26, 2011 9:00:00 AM"
set due date of theTask to date "Thursday, June 30, 2011 5:00:00 PM"
set label of theTask to "scripting"
set priority of theTask to 3

view as timeline
make text larger
make text larger
zoom in
go to today
end tell
end timeout
end tell

Current Version: TaskInsight 3.21.3

> TaskInsight Help

> E-mail Support: support@imaja.com

Requires macOS 14.0 Sonoma, 13.0 Ventura, 12.0 Monterey, 11.0 Big Sur, 10.15 Catalina, 10.14 Mojave, 10.13 High Sierra.
TaskInsight is a trademark of Imaja. Copyright © 2011-2025 Imaja. All Rights Reserved.
macOS and Mac OS X are trademarks of Apple Computer.

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