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Full Planting
Greg at Imaja
(510) 526-4621
Help plan a garden day! Seeds, shovels, compost... you know what to do!
Seed Swap
March 4, 2006, 3 - 7pm, The Bay Area Seed Interchange Library (BASIL) is hosting another fabulous Seed Swap at the Ecology Center, 2530 San Pablo Ave. Berkeley, CA 94702.
Upcoming Garden Day
We want to plan a garden day in Richmond with Marni Nacheff. She teaches in a small non-public school that serves an extremely disadvantaged population in Richmond, and has a small garden that they are interested in expanding. The class loves the garden and would all like to make it a more beautiful, productive space. They have some tools (shovels, spades) but lack some of the bigger stuff like wheelbarrows,etc. They would like to put in some raised beds as well.
The Previous Garden Day
The garden day at Hintil Kuu Ca school in Oakland went well. We planted two big beds with a good variety of August seedlings, lettuce, kale, beets, cabbage, spinach, fava beans, a few late green beans, and more. We brought some old weedy beds back to life with a bit of sweat, and Tom and Drew constructed and filled a tank of water and aquatic floating plants in preparation for an aquaponics greenhouse system. Thanks to all who helped at Hintil; we should have a followup party there to expand on initial efforts. It's a great space. The kids there are loving it. |
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