Calendar Graphics,
Mapping and Time Charts
App for iPad,
iPhone, iPod touch
Calendar Graphics
Time Usage Charts
Time Calculations
Event Filtering
Printing and Export
iOS and Mac OS X Calendar and CalDAV
Google Calendar
Yahoo Calendar
App for
iPad /
iPhone / iPod touch
Perspectiva is a calendar app featuring extensive graphic customization, event mapping, time usage charts, time calculations, event log and graphics exporting, keyword filtering and better readability. Perspectiva displays Mac OS X Calendar, iCloud and CalDAV events on iPad, iPhone, iPod touch. Perspectiva features several views including List, Day, Week, Month, Year, Pie Chart and Bar Chart. The tool bar provides Display, Calculations, Actions, Filter, Add Event and Help. The event activities popover includes Mail, Message, Twitter, Facebook and other social services, Copy, Edit, View and Location.
A few more of Perspectiva's features:
- Use over 25 different parameters to customize the various calendar and chart display styles with colors, fonts, sizes, tint boxes, chart styles, background image and/or color, and many others.
- Perspectiva's List view displays all of the text of an event in an easy to read, scrollable listing, providing readability for your events without extra tapping and view changes.
- Perspectiva supports display and editing of iCal and web-based calendars, including Google, Yahoo!, or other CalDAV calendars. Use Mail, Contacts, Calendars in the Settings app to configure CalDAV accounts.
- Use pinch touch gestures to instantly resize the text for easy reading or higher density.
- Calculate total hours for the filtered event listing and calculates an invoice billing amount based on your rate per hour.
- Copy the event listing text, with or without the calculations, and then paste it into an e-mail or text editing app such as Notes.
- Export PDF graphics files of any of the views.
- Print via AirPrint (over WiFi) to an AirPrint-compatible printer.
- Export TSV (tab-separated) and CSV (comma-separated) event listings.
- Perspectiva supports all device orientations, portrait and landscape.
- Perspectiva is compatible with iOS 8, iOS 7 and iOS 6.
E-mail Support at Imaja:

Perspectiva is a trademark of Imaja.
Copyright © 2010-2025
Imaja. All Rights Reserved.
Calendar, iOS, iPad, iPhone and iPod touch and Retina are trademarks of Apple Computer.
Imaja: Software for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac OS X,
Mac OS 9, Video, Music and Art - imaja.com