Deepwater Horizon:
Gulf of Mexico Offshore Oil Drilling Crisis
Pollution, blowouts, leaks, oil spills, toxic chemicals, damage
to environmental habitat, endangered species, climate disruption?
Shut down offshore oil drilling. When will people stop driving, consuming
oil and polluting? We need car-free cities, bicycle
cities, eco-cities, local organic farms, rooftop gardens, backyard gardens,
local agriculture jobs.
NO OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING: Take Action! Over its lifetime, a single
oil rig can: Dump more than 90,000 metric tons of drilling fluid and
metal cuttings into the ocean; Drill between 50-100 wells, each dumping
25,000 pounds of toxic metals, such as lead, chromium and mercury, and
potent carcinogens like toluene, benzene, and xylene into the ocean;
Pollute the air as much as 7,000 cars driving 50 miles a day. -- compiled
by Rainforest Action Network
Oil Spill Crisis Sites
- Gulf
Disaster - Center for Biological Diversity
- Gulf
Oil Spill News Database: EcoEarth.Info
- Gulf of Mexico-Transocean Drilling Incident -
- Governor's Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness - State of Louisiana
- Deepwater Horizon oil spill - Wikipedia
- SkyTruth
- BP Oil Spill - Democracy Now!
- Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 -
- Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 -
- Gulf Oil Spill -
- Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (2010) - The New York Times
- Deepwater BP Oil Spill - The White House
- Gulf Restoration Network - United for a Healthy Gulf
- imaja links: Deepwater Horizon: Gulf of Mexico Offshore Oil Drilling Crisis