Visual Music
- Live Experimental Video mailing list
- electronica-optica
- GEM: Graphics Environment for Music: PD
- Bliss Paint from Imaja for Mac OS
- ArKaos VJ/Visualizer
- Jitter from Cycling 74
- YOW* (Yowstar) - Mac OS video mixer
- bomb
- Onadime
- motion dive project
- SoundJam - MP3 player with visualizers
- 55ware - G-Force and Whitecap visualizer plugins for MP3 players
- Zuma
- aestesis - realtime video mixer
- The Music Animation Machine
- From Stephen Malinowski.
- Cthugha
- Inside the Bomb
- Dancer DNA Gate
- AniMusic
- 3DMiDi
- OnScreen Art Project by Hisashi Hoda
- pixound
- Pixel Toy
- Modified CD-ROMs and interactive music online
- Windows-based MIDI graphics generator.
- Visual Music Tone Painter
- Stephen Nachmanovitch and Free Play present this visual music software.
- synesthesia: Interactive Dance Club visuals
- mindEYE Visual Music System
- Algorithmic Arts Corp.
- Synthesoft - Windows Screen Savers
- Madeira Software, Inc. - ScreenDance for Windows
- FrodoInk Place
- Makers of SoundArt.
- The vOICe Sonification Applet
- SIGMusic
- SigMusic & SigGraph's Semesterly Concert
- Sounder: Ambient music generator
- Screen Savers a2z
- Ensemble of the Dreamings
- Exploring the dream world with music and visuals.
- KeyWorx
- mash studio.
- Larry Cuba
- Ron Pellegrino: The Electronic Arts of Sound and Light
- Paul Friedlander: Light Sculpture and Computer Art
- The Putney Video
- Ludwig Rehberg & Pete Namlook used an EMS video synthesizer fed with musical information.
- George Jetson Meets the Big Bang
- MindShipMind (1996-97)
- QED - Recording Artist for the new Millenium
- Visual Groove Thang
- This site by Andruid Kerne hosts the Visual Groove Thang.
- Reinhard's Dreampage
- Lumenati
- Pulsating OKAY!- LINKS
- Color music, the four dimensional, 4D, filmmaking
- Iota Center
- Center for Visual Music
- audio visualizers
- Ron Pellegrino: The Electronic Arts of Sound and Light
- Synesthesia Rich Young's info, links and bibliography
- Fred Collopy's Imagers Site
- Bill Moritz - Abstract Film and Color Music
- Experimental Animation - Bill Moritz
- Tonecolor - Visual Music Arts Site
- A resource of connections to artists in the field.
- History of the Music Animation Machine
- Vibeke Sorensen - On MAYA
- Brian Evans' Visual Music Concepts
- Animated Music
- Towards a Universal Algorithmic System for Composition of Music and Audio-Visual Works
- Music and Artificial Intelligence
Production Companies
- Animated Architecture
- Greya - Barbara Zawadzka - Color music
- HPX Multimedia
- Techno Light & Sound
Video Production Software
- BorisFX
Video Magazines
- Projector People, lcd projectors, computer and video projectors from Epson, Hitachi, InFocus, NEC, Proxima, Sony and many more. /A>
- Video MX - Online Articles & Newsletter
- Video Design - (French language)