icon TaskInsight

Essential task management with timeline and table views, priorities, labels, colors, styles. For macOS, by Imaja.

TaskInsight Speech Commands Reference


[ Show | hide ] speech reference

What can I say?
[ Show | hide ] speech reference
Go to [ today | bottom | top ]
Move page [ left | right | up | down ]
Show [ timeline view | list view | help ]
Zoom [ in | out | in more | out more ]
Open (document name)
Go to [ first | next | previous ] document
[ Show | hide ] recent documents
Open preferences
Open URLs


Select [ first | last | next | previous ] task
Skip [ forward | backward ] [ five | ten ] tasks
Select all

Create, Edit, Delete Tasks

Make new task
Dictate new task
Edit [ first | last | next | previous ] field
[ Start | begin | stop | end ] editing
Delete selected tasks

Modify tasks

Set label to (label name)
Set start date to now
Set priority to [ one | two | three | four | five ]
Set status to [ done | not done ]
Set [ start | due ] date to [ now | today | tomorrow | next week | next month | next year ]
Set [ start | due ] time to (number) [ AM | PM ]
Shift [ forward | back ] 1 [ day | week | month | year ]
Shift [ forward | back ] [ 5 | 15 | 30 ] minutes
Shift [ forward | back ] [ 1 | 4 | 8 ] hours
Set duration to [ 1 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 30 | 45 ] minutes
Set duration to [ 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 12 ] hours
Set duration to [ 1 | 2 ] days
Set duration to [ 1 | 2 ] weeks


Sort by [ task | label | priority | status | percent done | start date | due date | completed date | created date | modified date ]


[ Speak | say ] tasks
Say [ this | first | last | next | previous ] task
Say the next [ five | ten ] tasks
Say [ start | due | completed | created | modified ] date
Say [ label | status | priority | percent done | task details ]
[ Say | show ] existing labels
Stop [ speech | speaking ]


Show [ all tasks | tasks to do | uncompleted tasks | completed tasks ]
Show tasks [ due | starting ] [ today | tomorrow ]
Show tasks completed [ today | yesterday ]
Search for label (label name)
Show priority [ one | two | three | four | five ] tasks
Dictate search

Change the Display

Colorize priority
Hide other applications
Hide the toolbar
Hide [ detail | documents | settings | toolbar ]
Make text [ larger | smaller | very small | normal size | large | very large ]
Show [ task | label | status | priority | percent done ] column
Show [ start | due | completed | created | modified ] date column
Show [ dates | times | document settings ]
Make window [ full screen | normal size | larger | smaller | taller | shorter | wider | narrower ]
Make window [ more | less ] transparent
Move window to [ left half | right half | top half | bottom half | center ]
Tile windows

Note: Use one of the words in brackets [ ], separated by |, to complete a phrase. Replace the phrase in parentheses (phrase) with the desired phrase.

To view the speech commands reference in TaskInsight, choose Speech Reference in the Window menu, or if speech commands is turned on, then say “Show Speech Reference”.

Additional Speech Commands

The Speakable Items system in macOS also provides access to other commands in the app, such as the ability to open menus and choose menu commands. See the Menu Bar section in the Speech Commands panel.

The Front Window commands include additional commands. When the Document Settings drawer is open, additional commands appear the Speech Commands window corresponding to controls in the drawer, depending on which view is visible, List or Timeline.

(TaskInsight version 3.13)

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